How Do You Know If You Need Cataract Surgery?


If you have cataracts or suspect you may have them, you may be wondering when you should have them treated. The only way to permanently treat cataracts is through cataract surgery. You may not immediately need surgery when you’re diagnosed with cataracts. However, once your cataracts make it harder and harder to see, cataract surgery…

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5 Signs You Could Have Keratoconus


Most people think of eye conditions as something that only affects older adults. But there’s a serious eye condition that primarily affects young people— keratoconus. Keratoconus is a progressive eye condition that makes your vision worse over time. The bad news is that vision loss from keratoconus can’t be reversed— but if you catch it…

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What is a Cataract, Anyway?


Are you struggling with foggy, blurry, or impaired vision? Is it no longer easy to do even the simplest tasks? Are you squinting or straining your eyes to read, drive, or watch television? It’s not your imagination: you could be experiencing the signs of cataracts. And you’re not alone either because it’s an extremely common…

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